Check out what's happening for CS Ed Week (Dec 6 - Dec 10) around Puget Sound, Washington State, and beyond!


Locally, the place to be is the Computer Science Education Week Events at the Allen School at University of Washington. Not to be outdone by the 2021 UW Husky Football team, the UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering has a wide-range of virtual events (Bitcoin/Blockchain, Robotics, DNA data storage, prospective student orientations, Hour of Code events and more) for high school students to celebrate CS Education Week. Learn more and RSVP here! , Please see our attached flyer (linkable version of flyer here) and feel free to pass this information along to folks who might be interested!If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the team at
And don't forget to join us for our PSCSTA #csedweek celebration on 12/8 from 7-8pm on OhYay. See the events page for details on how to sign up!
For resources and events at a national level, check out the resources for CS Education Week at organized by national CSTA and the Kapor Center.   If you can make it, the CSTA CSEdWeek 2021 Kickoff is on Dec 6, 12:00 noon PST (   And if your students are interested in a programming competition, Codememtum is sponsoring an international coding competition for students ages 7 -16 from Dec 1 - 12. (
Other good resources to consider for CSEd Week are Hour of Code resources at and CSEd Week resources from Google at
And if we missed great CSEd Week events or resources, let us know!  We'd love to hear from you.
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